Migraine in Ayurveda

How does migraine in ayurveda can be controlled? 


Migraine Headache is a neurological condition that happens due to abnormal brain activity. This affects nerve signals, blood vessels and chemicals in the brain. Generally, the pain of a pulse happens in the forehead, around the eyes or the side of the head.  This lead to an increase in headache and can get worse. Generally, it is often accompanied by vomiting, tingling, sensitivity to light, nausea, and sound. An attack of Migraine can last from 4-72 hours. Along with this, the pain can be severe.


Symptoms of Migraine


Migraine can be started in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood. It can go from four stages but not for everyone. The stages are Prodrome, Aura, Attack and Post-drome. Now let’s read about these four stages:

  1. Prodrome: When the symptoms of the Migraine begin one or two days before the headache alone is called the Prodrome stage. It includes the symptoms like fatigue, food cravings, depression, getting irritated, etc. 
  2. Aura: After the Prodrome stage, the aura stage in migration occurs in which people show different types of symptoms. The patient can have problems with sensitivity, visibility and more. Aura migration includes symptoms like tingling sensation in arms, legs or face, difficulty to speak, loss of vision in a temporary way,   hearing music or noises, etc. 
  3. Attack of Migraine: The most extreme pain occurs in the Attack stage of the Migraine. The stage has symptoms which include Nausea, feeling faint, vomiting, one side head paint, etc. 
  4. Post-drome of Migraine:  At this stage, the patient changes his mood and feelings such as feeling extremely excited, pathetic, etc. This stage can last long and in different degrees to different people. 


What are the different categories of Migraine?


Generally, people are found with two types of Migraine headaches. They are Common Migraines and Classical Migraines. The other categories of Migraines are:

  • Common Migraines
  • Classical Migraines
  • Chronic Migraines
  • Abdominal Migraine
  • Menstrual Migraine
  • Hemiplegic Migraine
  • Migraine with brainstem aura
  • Acute Migraine
  • Retinal Migraine
  • Cluster headaches


How to control Migraine in Ayurveda?


In Ayurveda Migraine is stated as “ Aradhavabedhaka”. It defines Migraine as one-sided pain which is painful in nature and intense. In Ayurveda Vata- Pitta Dosha dominates Migraine. People who have Migraine may have an extreme burning sensation in the eyes and an intense feel of redness. Commonly Migraine is linked with prior history of digestive issues and acidity. Treatment of Migraine Ayurveda can be completed through the management of : 

  1. Regular diet
  2. Therapeutic purgation
  3. Lifestyle regulation

An Ayurveda practitioner uses various combinations of the treatment plans. These can be from the below-mentioned one:

  • Panchakarma Therapy- Therapy to purify or detoxify the body. The treatment includes: sweating therapy, body massage with oil, etc.
  • Pathayadi- Liquid supplement invented with multiple herbs. It includes herbs that have pain-relieving and non-inflammatory properties.  
  • Regular exercise- As per scientific research, it says that doing regular exercise helps in reducing Migraine symptoms. It also reduces the frequency of Migraine attract in people. 
  • Yoga- The practice of yoga helps in bringing mind and body together. It includes poses to promote relaxation and various breathing processes.  

Apart from that, you can book a consultation session to get permanent relief from migraine from Ayurveda and its therapy.