Diabetic Neuropathy in Ayurveda

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?


Diabetic neuropathy is a condition found in diabetic patients in which Nerve Fibers are damaged as blood is not transferred to these fibers due to high sugar or glucose level. People suffering from diabetic neuropathy remain unaware of their condition until diagnosed by the doctor.

Numbness occurs mostly in the feet & hands but also affects other body parts if not treated on time.


Causes of Diabetic Neuropathy?


In Ayurveda, Diabetic neuropathy is caused due to imbalance of Vata & Pitta dosha in a body that leads to nerves damage which is further caused to various factors, which are-

  • Prolonged High Blood Sugar Levels is a major cause
  • High Sugar level affects the transfer of oxygen & nutrients to nerves
  • Nerves Inflammation
  • Hypertension
  • Poor Lifestyle that involves no exercise & Low nutritional diet
  • Smoking & drinking excessive alcohol
  • Hereditary
  • Diabetic Patients above 40 years of age have more chances of developing diabetic neuropathy with time 


  • Numbness in hands & feet
  • Tingling in feet, hands, legs, arms, thighs
  • Tiredness
  • Muscular cramps
  • Indigestion
  • Blood Pressure drop results in dizziness
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Urinary Problems
  • Skin Infections
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Problems in coordination in body movements
  • Erectile dysfunction in men

These causes and symptoms may vary from person to person because every person’s immunity is different and their body response also varies.


Is it curable through Ayurveda?


Ayurveda, up to a great extent, helps in curing & retarding the progression of Diabetic Neuropathy in the affected person. Diabetic neuropathy treatment through ayurvedic methods turns out to be very effective as it solves the root cause of the problem & restores the natural balance of all doshas in the body.


Ayurvedic Treatment of Sleeplessness at Vishwam Ayurveda


We at Vishwam Ayurveda provide the best natural treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy through Ayurvedic methods that have no side effects on the body. Treatment starts first by diagnosing the root cause of the problem. Personalized plans are prepared as every patient has different symptoms. Even we analyze their past reports which play an extremely important role.

Ayurvedic treatment at Vishwam Ayurveda includes the following practices-

  • Personalized Diet Plans – A nutritional Diet has a very important role to play in nourishing & strengthening the body. Vegetable juices in combination are added to diets for strengthening the nerves fibers.
  • Personalized plans for exercises – Exercises, if performed regularly, boost the blood circulation throughout the body, lowering the pain & sugar levels.
  • Ayurvedic medicines & Remedies prepared using natural herbs are used in combination have many benefits such as reducing nerves inflammation, healing of damaged nerves, improvement in digestion, building body strength, relief from hypertension, pain, weakness, maintaining sugar levels in the blood, improving metabolic rate, increased sexual strengths in men & women, cures urinary infections, etc.
  • Ayurvedic Products with no preservatives & chemicals Ayurvedic Therapies – These are applied for muscles relaxation & reducing pain. Herbal oils are used in these therapies.
  • Yoga – Different yoga poses help in managing sugar levels for a longer period. Diabetes can be controlled up to a great extent.

Important Note: After the consultations, Personalized treatment plans are made that best suit the patients. Contact us in case of any queries or book medical consultation session with us now.